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The Pink Movement: RSSI and PFBCI Support Women with Breast Cancer

Robinsons Specialty Stores, Inc. (RSSI) once again showed support for women in association with the Philippine Foundation for Breast Care, Inc. (PFBCI), a non-profit organization advocating greater awareness and aid for breast cancer patients and survivors.  


The partnership between RSSI and PFBCI began in 2016 and involves activities to help empower women as they undergo their treatments as well as raise awareness on the disease. Called The Pink Movement, the campaign this year was conducted in two phases. 


The first one was held at the East Avenue Medical Center last  October 20, 2018, where beneficiaries were treated to makeovers, makeup tutorials, and product giveaways. 


The  second phase was held at the RRHI Head Office last November 7, 2018. Here, employees were invited to a talk on breast cancer and the importance of breast care, self-examination, and professional check-ups.

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