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Southstar Drug conducts 3rd National Summit for Pharmacists


Southstar Drug, Inc. held its 3rd Pharmacists National Summit with the theme CARE A Little More: South Star Drug towards Competency Advancement for Realization of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care. The two-day summit was held at the Bayanihan Center in Pasig City last August 25 and 26, 2019.


Overall, the objective of the summit was improve services and enhance the skills of the drugstore’s professional pool of pharmacists across its store network, as well as keep them up to date with the latest developments in the Pharmacy Law. Industry experts served as speakers for curated talks on advancing competencies, empowerment and leadership, product accessibility, and collaboration.


Southstar Drug’s Awardee Pharmacists with Southstar Executives Thaddeus Sanchez, AVP for Operations; David Goh, Managing Director (far left) and Christine Tueres, General Manager with celebrity host and singer, Kakai Bautista (far right).

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