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Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee

This Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee (the “Committee”) of Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.

The purpose of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee is to oversee the development and implementation of Corporate Governance principles and policies and perform oversight functions on the Economic, Environment, Social and Governance aspects of sustainability. The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee shall recommend a formal framework on the nomination, and evaluation of the performance of the Directors Officers and Senior Management to ensure that this framework is consistent with the Company’s culture, strategies and the business environment.

Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Members

  1. Rodolfo P. Ang (ID) – Chairman
  2. Enrico S. Cruz (ID) – Member
  3. Cirilo P. Noel (ID) – Member

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    Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Charter

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