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Corporate Governance Monitoring and Performance

Performance Assessment of the Board, Board Committees, and Senior Management
  1. The Board shall conduct an annual self-assessment of its performance, including the performance of the Chairman, individual members of the Board, Board Committees, President, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Management. The Board of Directors may also require that the performance assessment be supported by an external facilitator every three (3) years.
  2. The Board of Directors shall set the scope and criteria for the self-assessment questionnaires for Directors, which may include questions on: (i) the Company’s compliance with applicable, and best corporate governance practices and principles; (ii) the individual Director’s participation, engagement, and contribution to the Board and Board Committees; and (iii) an evaluation of the performance by the Board of its duties and responsibilities as provided in this Manual, Charter Documents, and governing policies.

The Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Committee shall oversee the assessment process and the assessment period shall be the fiscal year of the Company.

Corporate Governance Monitoring

    The Company shall ensure that its business processes and practices are consistent with the provisions of this Manual

    This Manual shall be subject to review as the need arises in order to take into account the Company's changing needs, business, technological and environmental conditions, and regulatory requirements. Any recommended changes to the Manual shall be subject to approval by the Board.

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Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc.
110 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue, Libis, Quezon City, PH
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