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Disclosure and Transparency

The Board shall establish policies to ensure the accurate, reliable and timely reporting of material information to the shareholders and stakeholders on the Company's financial condition, results and business operations in accordance with the disclosure and reporting requirements of SEC, PSE and other regulatory agencies. This shall include material and reportable non-financial and sustainability issues related to EESG concerns of its business. The Company may consider adopting globally recognized standards/framework in reporting sustainability and non-financial issues. It shall cause the filing of all required information to the SEC and PSE.

The Board shall ensure that the following are complied with:

  1. Disclosure of all material information which are required under the Revised Disclosure Rules and the Securities Regulation Code.
  2. Rules and regulations of the SEC, PSE and other regulatory agencies pertaining to the disclosure of material information.
  3. Prohibition on the Directors, Officers, Management and any other person who are privy to the material non-public information to communicate such information to any person, unless the Company shall simultaneously disclose the material non-public information to the SEC and to the PSE. This restriction shall not apply if the disclosure is made to:

    1. A person who is duty-bound to maintain trust and confidence to the Company such as but not limited to its auditors, legal counsels, investment bankers, financial advisers; and
    2. A person who agrees in writing to maintain in strict confidence the disclosed material information and will not take advantage of it for his personal gain.

The Company shall maintain a comprehensive and cost-efficient communication channel for disseminating material information to investors, Stakeholders and other interested parties. The Company may include media and analysts' briefings as channels of communication to ensure timely and accurate dissemination of public, material and relevant information to its Stakeholders.

The Company shall have a policy requiring all directors and officers to disclose/report to the Compliance Officer or the Corporate Secretary any sale or acquisition of the Company's shares within three (3) business days from such sale or acquisition.

The Company shall fully disclose all material information on the Directors and Officers to evaluate their experience and qualifications, and assess any potential conflicts of interest that might affect their judgment. This includes directors their share ownership in the Company, membership in other boards, other executive positions, and attendance of corporate governance trainings.

The Company shall provide a clear disclosure of its policies and procedure for setting the remuneration of Senior Management, as well as the level and structure of the same in the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

The Company shall disclose its policies governing RPTs and other unusual or infrequently occurring transactions. The MRPTs reviewed and approved during any year shall be disclosed in the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

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Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc.
110 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue, Libis, Quezon City, PH
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