This Related Party Transaction Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Related Party Transaction Committee (the “Committee”) of Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.

The purpose of the Related Party Transaction (RPT) Committee is to ensure that there is group-wide policy and system governing Material Related Party Transactions (MRPTs), particularly those that breach the materiality threshold. The policy shall include the appropriate review and approval of MRPTs, which guarantee fairness and transparency of the transactions.

Related Party Transaction Committee Members

  1. Enrico S. Cruz (ID) – Chairman
  2. Rodolfo P. Ang (ID) – Member
  3. Cirilo P. Noel (ID) – Member

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    Related Party Transaction Committee Charter

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