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Remuneration, Nomination, and Succession Planning Committee

This Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Remuneration, Nomination, and Succession Planning Committee (the “Committee”) of Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.

The purpose of the Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Committee is to formulate a remuneration policy and establish a formal framework for the nomination and evaluation of the performance of Directors, Officers, and Senior Management. The Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Committee aims to develop the required competencies through planned developmental and learning initiatives guided by the Company’s vision and mission. It shall implement the remuneration policy with the authority, in conjunction with internal and external advisers, to ensure the Board’s objectives are met. Furthermore, it is tasked with recommending and evaluating candidates for Directors, Officers, and Senior Management, ensuring competence, and fostering long-term success for the Company to maintain competitiveness.

Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Committee Members

  1. Lance Y. Gokongwei – Chairman
  2. Enrico S. Cruz (ID) – Member
  3. James L. Go – Member
  4. Cesar G. Romero (ID) – Member
  5. Curtis Liu – Member

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    Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Committee

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