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Stakeholder's Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy


The Company is committed to undertake all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare for the best interest of our stakeholders and the communities where we live and work by complying with the provisions of law, industry rules and regulations, standards of independent accreditation bodies where the Company obtained accreditation, and contractual obligations.

This policy aims to:

  • 1. Provide a guiding principle to ensure health, safety and welfare of the Company's stakeholder.
  • 2. Identify responsibility and accountability of every personnel and department in the organization to ensure the health, safety and welfare of stakeholders.
  • 3. Integrate health and safety practices in all activities to ensure efficiency and quality of products and services.

This policy shall define the guiding principles and responsibilities for managing health, safety and welfare of the stakeholders of Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (RRHI), its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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    Health, Safety and Welfare Policy


The Company abides by safety, health, and welfare standards and policies set by the Department of Labor and Employment. Likewise, the Company has Security and Safety Manuals that are implemented and regularly reviewed to ensure the security, safety, health, and welfare of the employees in the work place.

Year on year, the Company has facilitated vaccinations such as against flu and cervical cancer that are offered not only to employees but to their dependents as well. The Company has worked with healthcare providers in identifying top diseases based on utilization report and has invited resource speakers to talk about preventive measures.

To ensure the safety of the Company's employees, a Corporate Emergency Response Team (CERT) has been created that will be activated and will become the "command center", orchestrating initiatives across the conglomerate during a crisis. Also, the CERT shall be responsible for the periodic review of contingency plans and the institution's emergency preparedness and response procedures to ensure that effective responses and responsible policies are in place to deal with crisis or emergency situations.

Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. has always been a believer of what continuous learning and development can do for its people and its businesses. Through various Learning and Development (L&D) activities, employees are provided with opportunities to develop, enhance, and enrich themselves with the skills sets they need to perform their roles effectively and efficiently in support of Robinsons Retail's overall vision and mission.  Through the Robinsons Retail Academy, the training arm of the entire Retail group, employees have a year round access to different programs, from basic courses offered to all employees to highly specialized curricula offered to a targeted group.

The major programs being implemented by the academy include:

  • CORE, Curriculum on Retail Excellence, is a two-semester offering of basic soft skills courses for all regular employees of the subsidiaries.
  • STEP, Store Trainee Enhancement Program, is RRHI's Junior Management Traineeship program aimed at developing our future store supervisors.
  • SMART, Store Manager's Required Training, is a highly customized 6-day curriculum for the most critical talent in operations – our store managers.
  • SMILE, Service Mileage, is our stores' campaign to continuously deliver excellent service to our customers.
  • General Training includes assemblies, strategy planning, exclusive learning and team collaboration sessions.

Learning and Development Opportunities for Management Team

Robinsons Retail, in collaboration with JG Summit Corporate Human Resources, provides continuous learning opportunities to senior management team members. Last September 30, 2015, Robinsons Retail's President with all the Business Unit General Managers and Shared Services Heads attended the first ever JG Leadership Summit. This was aimed at providing the JG Summit leaders with an opportunity to learn from the Philippines' top business leaders as they shared their successful leadership and entrepreneurial stories relating to the theme, "Cultivating a Global Team of Entrepreneurial Leaders".

Moreover, there were a number of Robinsons Retail senior management team members who attended courses under the Management Development Program of the JG Institute for Leadership and Enterprise Development (JG-ILED). These courses included Strategic Communication, Executive Coaching Program, Leading and Managing Change, and On Becoming a People Leader.

For Robinsons Retail's senior and middle management, attendance in seminars, workshops, conventions and exhibitions, organized by reputable third party training and events providers on specific topics is highly encouraged. With this, there was a noticeable increase in the number of people who attended third party hosted seminars and workshops, from 20 in 2014 to 74 in 2015. Some of these training and learning events included the Asia Pacific Retailers Convention and Exhibition for Marketing Managers, Graphika Manila for Visual Merchandising Managers and Officers, People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) General Membership Meeting for HR Managers, Retail Excellence Training for Robinsons Dep't. Store's Operations Managers, Are You Ready for the Big One? for the Emergency Response Team Members, Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines (OHNAP) Annual Convention for the company nurses.

Highly Technical Training for Costa Coffee, Ministop and South Star Drug

Ministop Yellowtail Training

Ministop implements its own technical training called Yellowtail Program where employees learn the basics of store operations. For 2015, the total number of people trained and certified was 1,209.

South Star Drug Training

South Star Drug has been religiously training its employees in the technical aspects of the pharmacy business. There were a total of 1,893 technical training slots occupied by employees for the year 2015. Courses include Functional Induction for New Employees, Visual Merchandising and Merchandising Standards Training, Stock Analyst Training and Refresher, Disease Management Training, and Pharmacy Support Workforce Summit. Third party manpower was also given training on Basic Pharmacy Operations Training, Cash Clerk Training, and Service and Sales Development Workshop.

In summary,

The management team of Robinsons Retail will continue to invest in its people through continuous learning and development. Management is fully aware that investing in people is a strategic move that will eventually reap its reward through a highly-engaged workforce delivering the desired business results.


The Company upholds creditors' right by honoring contracted obligations and providing information required under the Revised Disclosure Rules and the Securities Regulation Code, if applicable, audited financial statements prepared compliant with applicable financial reporting standards, and other periodic reports compliant with the provisions of law, loan covenants and other regulatory requirements.

This policy aims to:

  • 1. Provide the guiding principles to ensure protection of creditors' rights.
  • 2. To identify the duties of responsible departments in protecting the rights of creditors.

This policy shall cover the documentation, reporting and disclosure requirements to promote transparency for the protection of the rights of creditors of Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (RRHI), its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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    Protection of Creditors' Rights Policy

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110 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue, Libis, Quezon City, PH
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