Search results for: "the"

Remuneration, Nomination and Succession Planning Policy

Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (“RRHI”, or the “Company”) shall ensure...

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Board Diversity Policy

Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (“RRHI”, or the “Company”) is committed...

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Stakeholder's Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy

Stakeholders The Company is committed to undertake all reasonable steps...

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Material Related Party Transactions Policy

The Company shall conduct all Material Related Party Transactions (MRPT)...

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Insider Trading Policy

The Company shall abide with the provisions of law set...

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Whistleblowing Policy

The Company is committed to conduct business according to the...

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Conflict of Interest Policy

The Company's Code of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interest...

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Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) focuses...

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Enterprise Risk Management Group (ERMG)

The ERMG was created to be primarily responsible for the...

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Related Party Transaction Committee

This Related Party Transaction Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the...

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