Sustainable choices for a sustainable future.

Our company believes that growth and sustainability work hand in hand. To ensure sustainable development, we constantly evolve our practices, stay true to our core values, and cultivate a holistic company culture.

Our Sustainability Framework

As one of the largest multi-format retailers in the country, we recognize our key role in promoting sustainable development. This especially rings true for our impacts on supplier practices, employee welfare, and consumer health and well-being.

Being at the forefront, it’s our proud responsibility to consciously strive for a future that benefits all.


Business Integrity

  • Direct economic value distribution to government
  • Compliance to regulations
  • Risk management

Resource Management

  • Materials used
  • Energy consumption
  • Emissions
  • Water consumption
  • Effluents and waste generation

Community programs

  • Direct economic value distribution to communities
  • Community Engagement

Value creation for stakeholders

Product diversity 
for customers

  • Access to key consumer goods
  • Savings on key consumer goods

Economic opportunities for 
suppliers and entrepreneurs

  • Direct economic value distribution to suppliers
  • Job supported in the supply chain
  • Local sourcing
  • Impact to local business growth


  • Direct economic value distribution to employees
  • Total jobs supported directly
in stores
  • Diversity and equal opportunity
  • Career development
  • Health and safety
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